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Call for Papers & Art

Illustrations © James Vaughan, and used by permission. More of his work can be found here:

The Editorial Board of the Space Force Journal (SFJ) invites high-quality manuscript and art submissions. All submissions will undergo a blind peer review. Articles submitted to SFJ must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, unless simultaneous submission is first coordinated between the author and the SFJ editorial board. All submissions must be exclusive and original, and not promote  a specific business, brand, or product.

Important Dates: Important Dates: The SFJ transitioned to a rolling publication format to get top-quality content out as quickly as possible. Therefore, there are no submission deadlines.

Target Audience: The SFJ’s target audience includes mid- to senior level government policymakers, the United States Space Force and other military services, civilian agencies, international partners, academics, advocates, and business professionals involved in the commercial, scientific, diplomatic, civil and national security space sectors. Below is a suggested list of preferred topics:

  • Space Policy.
  • Space Strategy.
  • Space Doctrine.
  • Space Commerce.
  • Space Operations.
  • Space Law and History.
  • Science & Technology.
  • Research & Development.
  • Finance and Acquisition.
  • Leadership, Organization & Culture.
  • Space Force Military, Civilian and Family.
  • Review of Literature.

Guidance for Written Submissions: Submissions are evaluated for originality, contribution to expanding the field of Spacepower, and other issues critical in the evolving space domain. The SFJ editorial board will only accept submitted papers written in Microsoft Word document format.  Submissions may be between 2,000-5,000 words and should include embedded hyperlinks to reference sources for every factual, statistical, historical, or legal assertion. 

All submissions except for literature reviews, must include an abstract, separate from the main text, of up to 200 words, with no acronyms, abbreviations, numbers, references, or citations. The abstract must, however, contain a basic-level introduction, rationale for the work, a statement of the main conclusion, and main findings that move the field forward.

All accepted submissions will be freely available to the public on the Space Force Journal website. Authors may republish on personal and institution web pages five days after the article goes live on the Space Force Journal website.  Authors are encouraged to link articles to their social media pages or other websites. The Space Force Journal is unable to provide payment or royalty to authors.

Guidance for Submissions: Contact to submit articles and arrange art or graphics submissions.

Formatting Guidelines for Written Submission

Style: Turabian. Link to online Turabian help tool: 

Abstract: Times New Roman, 12 point font, in italics.

Text: Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Endnotes: Times New Roman, 10 point font, Arabic numerals.

Margins: One inch margins all around for 8.5 x 11 inch portrait layout.

Spacing: The abstract, body of the paper, block quotations, table titles, figure captions, footnote/endnote citations, and appendices should be single-spaced.

Indentation: Paragraphs should be indented five spaces.

Block Citations: Quotes should be blocked if the cited language exceeds fifty words.  Block cites should be justified and offset 1” from the left and right margins.

Page Numbers: Page numbers should start on the first page and should be located at the top right corner.

Acronyms and Abbreviations: Authors should avoid non-standard acronyms and abbreviations.  If used, the author should spell out the term with a tag on the first use.  For example, “The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a long history of international coordination.” Use United States as a noun and U.S. as an adjective.  For example, “The United States landed a man on the moon, which was a tremendous success for the U.S. space program.” 

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